10 More Things// Brilliant Briefs, Australian Lamb, Doom Captcha
In this edition: An ode to brilliant briefs, Australian Lamb takes on the comments section and how anything can be creative, even captcha
Breaking the format to give you 17 things this week to clear out my saved links. Please forgive me.
Let me know what you liked, what you didn’t and what you’d like to see more of.
The Good Stuff
An Ode To Brilliant Briefs. From vibes to manifestos to philosophies. This is worth it alone for the link to Honda’s ‘Book Of Dreams’ written by Russell Davies.
Did Meta’s Fact-checking Actually Work? Yes, sort of. The concept wasn’t trusted by the American Right (because they demonstrably read more misinformation which is the very content the fact-checkers are trying to curtail). However conservatives broadly agreed with the decisions the fact-checkers were making which suggests they weren’t that biased.
The down-side was the speed of the fact-checking was extremely slow. Around 10 posts a day per fact-checker. It’s unlikely a riot is going to be slowed because of fact-checkers removing posts.
Still, fact-checking was better than nothing. Presumably the 10 posts were selected because they were important posts that might cause wide-spread damage. And 10 x thousands of fact-checkers starts getting into big numbers.
Community notes on Twitter/X hasn’t stopped the platform corroding into a misinformation cesspit. Hopefully they work better on Meta.
We Live In An Inheritocracy. Full of tells-it-like-it-is quotes but the first quote below is stand-out. It’s not just that parents are giving their children money for supporting their careers, housing, weddings, having kids etc, it’s that the dignity of doing this by yourself has been robbed away for most young people and that these events, for many, are decided by the wealth of their parents.
“Parents have become the gatekeepers to their children’s adulthood, the wealth level of the previous generation ultimately determining which milestones are achievable and which are not.”
“It was no longer about intergenerational unfairness as such, but intragenerational unfairness, with the new dependency culture within the family halting social mobility. “It is absolutely making the family more significant,” he said. But Willetts’s framing here is important because what some describe as the growing “importance of the family”, others call the unfair privilege of birth”.
“This means that the inheritance economy shows no signs of abating and, in fact, over the next 30 years we will see the largest transference of wealth in history. Of millennials, 80% expect some kind of inheritance, but it will be unequal. Millennial inheritances will average 16% of lifetime earnings, up from 9% for Gen X. However, for the top fifth, inheritances will boost incomes by 29%, compared to just 5% for the bottom fifth.”
Why Most Advertising Fails to Change Behaviour. Hard-fought lessons about how advertising works from Pete Buckley who learned them first-hand trying to change behaviour on the government account. Not only a must-read but a must-implement too. Don’t fall for the obvious logic traps of advertising.
Great work
The Comments Section. The yearly Australian Lamb ad is my John Lewis Christmas ad.
It Has To Be… Heinz change their iconic tagline to the foods that accompany their products.
Severance Stunt. Part 1 of things you’ve probably seen but I’m contractually obliged to share.
The Return of the OG. Part 2 of things you’ve probably seen but I’m contractually obliged to share.
Cadbury’s ‘Share’ Packaging. Part 3 of things you’ve probably seen but I’m contractually obliged to share. If you haven’t seen these, click through and read all the variants, the copy-writing is topnotch.
£100 Pizza. A local Norwich pizza joint made the news by taking a stand against pineapple on pizza. And in other local news, creative residents in Wrexham turned attention to their pot-hole laden roads by branding them ‘Pothole Land’. The council are now fixing the roads. And the residents of Wrexham are applying for an IPA effectiveness award…
Pick N Mix
Doom Captcha. Anything can be creative - even those stupid ‘puzzles’ you need to do to show you’re a human on websites. (Incidentally, Google show you pictures of bikes and traffic lights to train their self-driving car data…).
The Ten Rules Of Techno. Absolutely mesmerising. Like watching sand dance on a speaker.
Ok Go Video. The world’s best music video band. There’s a brand colab waiting to happen here.
Butcher x Skater. A butcher and a skate shop share a sign.
Peace out ✌️